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5 Tips On How To Maintain Your Roof

In a previous post, we talked about when it’s time to replace your roof. Age is one of the determining factors, because, over the years, weather happens. Our5 Tips On How To Maintain Your Roof Santa Ana winds, coastal mists, and summer temperatures all take their toll on a roof and supporting infrastructure over time.

Since we cannot control time or the weather, the best way to increase the lifespan of your roof is with regular maintenance. Similar in theory to auto tune-ups, taking the time to make small repairs will improve the overall condition of your roof. Plus, patching, fixing, or replacing sections can be less expensive than a full roof replacement.

Keep in mind that if you have a water leak, you already have an issue. Roof leaks lead to rusted steel or rotting wood, and so begins the domino effect of roof problems. Homeowners in the Los Angeles area spend (on average) $569 to $1,368 on roof repairs, and the motivation for repairs is usually a ceiling with evidence of water intrusion. Regularly scheduled maintenance will help you stay ahead of the repair curve as well.

Keep Your Roof in Tip-Top Shape

1. Inspect Your Roof

Every spring and fall dust off the ladder, break out the binoculars or call us to see what’s going on up above. Any problem that goes undetected can lead to widespread damage that is costly and time-consuming.

We are happy to perform this service for you because our experts know what to look for as far as warning signs. Our mission is to deliver fast and thorough roof assessments, so you don’t have to worry. If you have a multi-level home or a steeply pitched roofline, please let us provide you with an inspection. Keeping you safe from the elements includes accidents due to gravity.

During a roof inspection, we look for curling or missing shingles, damaged flashing, and evidence of any uninvited guests like squirrels or raccoons. Repairing any questionable spots could prevent roof leaks and water damage, saving you time and money on cleaning, and repainting your interior.

2. Trim Overhanging Branches

Trees are beautiful enhancements to your property, and help cool your house during hot days thanks to their shady limbs. But, when tree branches extend to the point where they are touching your roof, or could potentially damage it during a high wind storm, it’s time to trim them back.

You’ll be protecting your roof from impact damage and you’ll also cut away a path for wildlife to seek shelter under your shingles. Squirrels, raccoons, and other animals are quite crafty and have no issue with chewing through shingles and wood to make themselves right at home in your attic space.

3. Check Drains

Make sure they are free of dirt, silt, and debris that encourage ponding water on your rooftop.  Ponding water compounded by UV rays can have adverse effects on most types of roofing materials. You’ll see the result of standing water and sunlight when shingles or tiles start to slip from their original place. Slipped tiles may be exposing your sub-roofing to water, which leads to roof sagging.

Blistering, ridging, splitting, and surface erosion of shingles compromises the integrity of your roof system. Keeping drains and gutters clean will help minimize ponding water and its adverse effects.

Roof sagging is also a result of faulty roofing materials or poor installation, broken trusses and foundation movement. Multiple layers of shingles can cause a roof to sag. Extra weight from the second installment will eventually lead to a collapse of the support structure. The same scenario is possible if the type of shingle, say slate, is heavier than the trusses and under layer can handle.

4. Keep your Termite Contract Current

Drywood termites will chew through ceiling rafters, roof beams, eaves and other wooden structures like sub-roofing, on the inside of your house. They’ll also establish colonies underneath wood shingles. These invaders will attach themselves to any untreated or exposed wood in your home.

5. Caulk Chimneys and Skylights

These spaces tend to be the weakest link and water will naturally gravitate to the crevices created by cracked or crumbling sealants. Keep in mind if you take on the project yourself, repair products have a shelf life. Using inferior replacement products can cause more problems than they fix.

Keep track of what was fixed and when in your records; this helps at tax time. We are always here to help, please reach out to us anytime.

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